Written by Erin Lavaille, Sustainability & Corporate Programs, Pinchin Ltd.
Global Recycling Day was created in 2018 to help create awareness and the importance recycling plays in preserving our planet.
It’s estimated that between 1.15 to 2.41 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean each year. THE OCEAN CLEANUP
“Photo of Great Pacific Garbage Patch taken from Forbes online”Global environmental problems infographics. great pacific garbage patch. “iStock.com/ipeggas.”
With an average Canadian producing nearly 673 kilograms (KG) of waste per year, Canada is the eighth most waste-producing country among the member states of the OECD (2019 Study). We are delighted to report that the waste per person for our workplace is less than 25 KG per per person.
What Is Waste Diversion Rate
Your waste diversion rate represents how much of waste you divert from your facility without burn (incineration) or buy (landfill).

How To Increase Your Waste Diversion Rate
Multi-Stream Waste Disposal Options
We do this by providing multi-stream waste disposal options; specific to recycling streams available within your offices’ city. Additional voluntary recycling streams (Styrofoam & E-waste) have also been added to offices. While at work (and at home) we encourage you all to adhere to the 3R Principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
E-waste Recycling
E-waste recycling is through the Electronic Recycling Association; a Canada-wide non-profit organization that refurbishes unwanted electronics and donates them to various charities across the country.
If your city supports a recycling stream that is not currently in place within your office, please reach out to our ESG Team!

Picture of multi-stream waste disposal options found in each office at Pinchin.

Picture of Electronic Waste to be sent to Electronic Recycling Association to be refurbished & donated to various charities.
Waste diversion is a critical part of our ESG program at Pinchin and the more we can do as individuals at home and at work to minimize impact on our landfills the better. Landfills take up developable and agricultural land and the carbon footprint of transportation is significant.
Our 2022 Diversion Rate for all offices was 68%.
Pinchin’s waste audit results are reported annually in our ESG Report (2021 ESG Report).
On Global Recycling Day 2023, we recognize the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. If you or your organization is looking to calculate your waste diversion rate, our Sustainability Experts can you help you. Contact your local Pinchin office.

John Holland
Chief Development Officer
Pinchin Richmond Office

Kayleigh Schwartz
Project Manager,
Sustainability & Corporate Programs
Pinchin Winnipeg Office

Erin Lavallie
Office Administrator/Coordinator, Sustainability & Corporate Programs
Pinchin Kenora Office