Jeff Grossi | Chief Executive Officer, Pinchin Ltd.
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Throughout our over four decades of business, you may have noticed Pinchin’s affinity for apples. You may have received the Pinchin Apple as a client event or tradeshow giveaway, or as part of our annual autumn deliveries. You may have even seen them displayed as part of our decor in one of our offices across Canada or at one of our many events. You may be asking yourself – what’s up with all the apples? Here’s why the apple is such an integral part of the Pinchin story.
Apple Shaped cake pops for our Ottawa office Apple Cinnamon Runner drink Our Soft Apple Giveaways
Humble beginnings
Our founder, Dr. Don Pinchin grew up on his family’s orchard farm J.H. Pinchin & Sons, located in Streetsville, Ontario. This is where his family harvested apples after they immigrated to Canada.

In Pinchin Ltd’s early years Don would often gift his clients with apples from the family orchard as a thank you for their trust and support. Naturally, the apple quickly became synonymous with Don and the Pinchin name.
That’s a lot of apples!
Every year, from October to November, Pinchin delivers an average of 40,000 lbs. of apples to our trusted partners and communities. What once started out as a single office initiative has now spread across the country to each of our offices in Canada. We have happily continued this tradition every year since its inception and are committed to solidifying this custom across Canada.
Our Sudbury office is packed with apples A bag of apples ready for delivery
Since the Pinchin family farm closed its doors in 2006, we have been sourcing our Ontario-grown apples from a local GTA farm. Don is still fondly remembered in the apple industry and many growers love to share their personal stories of Don and his passion for apples.
We purchase our apples from local growers wherever possible, but in those regions where a local source isn’t available, Pinchin provides as an alternative a locally sourced, environmentally conscious apple-themed gift.
Help us find local apple growers
We’re always looking to partner with local farms in our various regions across Canada. If you’re an apple grower or know of an apple grower who may be interested in becoming a partner in our apple story initiative, let us know by sending us an email to

Apple Pie Day
It’s no surprise to most that Dr. Don Pinchin loved his apple pie, and each year there was a strong likelihood that he would receive a homemade apple pie from one of his clients shortly after receiving their bag of apples. Never one to turn down a delicious treat, Don began another tradition for all employees that is still being carried out to this day at all Pinchin offices across Canada: Pie Day! Every month Don would gather up the team to enjoy a piece of apple pie while celebrating their fellow teammates’ birthdays from the previous month. Since Don’s passing, Pinchin’s November Pie Day has become a special tradition for our team. We take the opportunity to remember Don and his legacy and celebrate his birthday the only way he would have wanted – with a delicious bite of apple pie!
Tell us your apple story

We love to hear from our clients when they receive their apples and we always look forward to hearing how they enjoy them. We’ve had the pleasure of seeing our simple gift turned into apple pies, turnovers, strudels, and other delicious goodies, which makes it all worth the effort. We are confident that Don would be happy knowing his legacy and generous spirit lives on, that his gift continues to be shared and enjoyed by all Canadians.
Share your story with us on social media and be sure to tag us and include #PinchinAppleStory