Remote Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solutions - ActiveIAQ

Webinar Recording: Remote Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solutions – ActiveIAQ

Considering that we spend 90% of our time indoors, why are we so concerned about the weather? Healthy indoor environments have become a significant focus for building owners and occupants, and providing reassurances and transparency about indoor conditions is increasingly important. From occupant experience, tenant retention, healthcare and ambient air quality, Pinchin’s ActiveIAQ technology and CORE platform provides detailed insights into the indoor environment.

On Wednesday, April 24th, Pinchin expert Ryan D’Arcy hosted a 1-hr webinar on Remote Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solutions – ActiveIAQ. In this webinar Ryan discussed the changes on how we monitor indoor air quality in buildings from the traditional approach of IAQ consulting approach of limited deployment to the new ActiveIAQ alternative which is similar to having a consultant onsite 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Webinar Presenter

Ryan D’Arcy, Dipl. T (Env)
Senior Project Manager, Indoor Environmental Quality

Webinar Recording