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Webinar Recording: Understanding Facility Air Emissions & Sewer Discharge Compliance Obligations, Regulatory Inspections & Investigations

Manufacturing processes result in air emissions or water discharges. Air emissions require provincial air approvals. Discharges to sewers are regulated by the local municipality, while discharges to surface water are…

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Webinar Recording: Risk Managing Buildings and Infrastructure for Climate Change – A Guide to Resiliency

A recent study from the Insurance Institute of Canada reported that major weather impacts are doubling every five to ten years. Weather claims in Canada are predicted to increase from…

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Webinar Recording: FortisBC – New & Emerging Energy Upgrade Incentives

FortisBC and Clean BC have recently announced significant and generous incentive funding for energy studies and capital upgrades to heating and cooling systems for existing commercial, institutional, industrial, and multi-unit…

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Webinar Recording: Ventilation & Re-Occupancy of Schools during COVID-19

On September 17th, Pinchin Ltd. hosted a one hour complimentary webinar – Ventilation & Re-Occupancy of Schools during COVID-19, where our subject matter experts and special guest Jeffrey Seigel, discussed what school boards can do to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

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Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Business Re-Occupancy

On June 18th, Pinchin Ltd. hosted a one hour complimentary webinar – COVID-19 Business Re-Occupancy, where we were able to bring together risk assessment and air quality professionals to present and discuss ideas on how we can best navigate this new paradigm.

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Webinar Recording: How To Manage Your Building HVAC System During COVID-19

On May 27th, Pinchin Ltd. hosted a one-hour complimentary webinar, where our panel of experts discussed what can be done to safely manage your ventilation systems during COVID-19.

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Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Building Re-Occupancy for the Real Estate Sector

In most parts of Canada, we are levelling the curve of infections and coming through the worst of this phase of COVID-19. Currently, there are no specific processes to safely…

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