Nikole Walters is Pinchin’s Senior Project Manager for the Hazardous Building Materials (HAZ) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Groups in Northeastern Ontario. She is fluent in hazardous materials consulting issues such as asbestos and other designated substances as well as indoor environmental quality consulting issues such as Indoor Air Quality, mould and unsanitary conditions. Practical, adaptable, and approachable, Nikole is a role model for her teams at the Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie and Timmins offices and is a hot commodity for clients in these regions.
Nikole holds a Forestry, Fish and Wildlife Technician Diploma earned at Collège Boréal and possesses eight years of experience managing her offices’ HAZ and IEQ Groups. Before coming to work at Pinchin, she held a position as a Bluecoat Scientist and then as a Science Leader for four years, educating children on environmental sciences at Northern Ontario’s leading science center in Sudbury, Science North. The next five years began with Nikole exploring indoor air quality data entry as an Environmental Technician at another consulting firm in the region. Her role would expand further out into to the field, where she learned that the center of the action is where she wanted to be as a Project Manager
In pursuit of her new passion, Nikole started her career at Pinchin as a Project Manager for the HAZ and IEQ Groups in 2011. During this time, she also dabbled with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) related issues and continues to be involved with this group across her region. As Nikole settled into her new company and fostered long-standing relationships with her clients, she started to drift into operational oversight for the HAZ and IEQ Groups within her region. Her success with client procurement and her drive for taking the initiative led to her promotion to Senior Project Manager at the start of 2019.
In her capacity as Senior Project Manager, Nikole oversees projects for the HAZ & IEQ Groups; trains staff across the Northeastern Ontario region; reviews proposals and reports; and serves as a trusted client liaison. She commonly provides her services to organizations like Canada Post, Hydro One, Canadian banks, restoration contractors, school boards and – since Nikole’s first language is French – she enjoys working closely with French School Boards and the French speaking communities across her region. Many of her project sites are in rural areas that require special consideration when working with local resources, First Nations Communities, and in providing additional fieldwork.
A recent example of a project with complex challenges involved a major remediation in a remote fly-in community where a sewage mainline failure impacted an entire street, resulting in dozens of residents being evacuated from their homes due to unsanitary conditions. The complexity of the situation became more problematic when ice road conditions delayed material delivery to the remote location. The source of the initial problem could not be rectified during the deep frost season and families could not be returned in the timeline originally promised. Nikole delicately engaged in client care, working closely with the community’s Chief and Deputy Chief to bring the schedule back on time and return the families to safe living conditions in a reasonable timeframe. Her involvement was essential to the success of this project and served to build a trusted relationship with the community leaders.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Hazardous Material or Indoor Environmental Quality issues and would like some assistance from Nikole and her team of experts, please contact one of our Northeastern Ontario offices or visit to read more about the HAZ and IEQ services we provide to our communities and business across Canada.