What's New | Pinchin Ltd.

Webinar Recording: PSAB 3280 ARO Changes and New Reporting Obligations for Public Entities

Starting in 2022 (financial reporting year-end March 31, 2022) the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) section PS 3280 – Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO), will require public organizations to report and…

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Webinar Recording: Sharing Lessons Learned & Infection Control Strategies with Non-Profit Organizations

The pandemic has altered the way we all operate – Charities and NPOs included. As vaccine administration ramps up across the country, we are all wondering how we safely re-occupy…

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Webinar Recording: Climate Change and Building Resiliency

The impact of climate change on building performance and future design will potentially impact all of us. What are the specific climate impacts we can expect in Canada? Will we…

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Proposed Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Code Changes

The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code was last updated in 2009, and the ministry is looking to make some changes in order to move in line with current practices and other provinces. To help update the OHS code, the government is looking to the public for review and to provide feedback on the comprehensive list of proposed changes.

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Available Grants for Energy Audits & Upgrades in British Columbia

As part of Canada’s demand to drive down Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by the year 2030, Pinchin Ltd’s Mechanical Engineering Design group in British Columbia has been helping municipalities take advantage of some of the energy audit and upgrade grants being offered by the BC Utilities, BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

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Webinar Recording: Recent Changes to the Contaminated Sites Regulations in British Columbia

On Thursday, February 25th, Pinchin Ltd’s Operations Manager & Regional Practice Leader in BC for our Environmental Due Diligence & Remediation Group (EDR), Tadd Berger, discussed the amendments to the Contaminated Sites Regulations that have come into effect on February 1st, 2021.

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ActiveIAQ: Accessible Smart Building Technology

Written by Heather Swail, B.Env.St., M.Env., Senior Project Manager, Indoor Environmental Quality at Pinchin Ltd. Indoor air quality (IAQ) has long been a concern to building managers, tenants, and employees…

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