Webinar Recording: Sharing Lessons Learned & Infection Control Strategies with Non-Profit Organizations - Pinchin What's New Blog Posts

Webinar Recording: Sharing Lessons Learned & Infection Control Strategies with Non-Profit Organizations

The pandemic has altered the way we all operate – Charities and NPOs included. As vaccine administration ramps up across the country, we are all wondering how we safely re-occupy our spaces and resume our traditional operations.

On Friday, April 23rd, a team of Pinchin Ltd.’s subject matter experts provided guidance on infection control strategies to a group of non-profit organizations in their 1-hr webinar.

Webinar Panel of Experts

David Muise, OHST
National Practice Leader, Indoor Environmental Quality

Shawna McIntyre, B.Sc., P.Eng
Operations Manager, Regional Practice Leader, Indoor Environmental Quality and Hygiene

David Gardner, H.B.Sc., M.Sc, M.Eng., MBA, CRSP, ROH
Senior Occupational Hygiene and Safety Consultant & National OH&S Practice Leader

Webinar Recording