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Project Spotlight: Blatchford District Energy Sharing System

Client: City of Edmonton Project Duration: 2014 – Ongoing Pinchin Team: Mechanical Engineering Group What is a District Energy Sharing System? District Energy is a way to provide heating or…

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Webinar Recording: Latest Updates on Stage 14 Amendments: Why Development is Going to Cost More

If you’re a developer, planning a site upgrade, or are responsible for the movement of soils in British Columbia, you should be aware of the upcoming amendments to the Contaminated…

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Webinar Recording: Building Re-Occupancy in British Columbia: Risks & Solutions

Pinchin hosted a 1-hr webinar discussing the potential risks to safely re-occupy our buildings in British Columbia that may not be considering

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Webinar Recording: Climate Change and Building Resiliency

The impact of climate change on building performance and future design will potentially impact all of us. What are the specific climate impacts we can expect in Canada? Will we…

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Webinar Recording: FortisBC – New & Emerging Energy Upgrade Incentives

FortisBC and Clean BC have recently announced significant and generous incentive funding for energy studies and capital upgrades to heating and cooling systems for existing commercial, institutional, industrial, and multi-unit…

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Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Business Re-Occupancy

On June 18th, Pinchin Ltd. hosted a one hour complimentary webinar – COVID-19 Business Re-Occupancy, where we were able to bring together risk assessment and air quality professionals to present and discuss ideas on how we can best navigate this new paradigm.

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