What's New | Pinchin Ltd.

Meet our Operations Manager & Practice Specialist for the Environmental Due Diligence & Remediation Group, Paresh Patel!

Paresh Patel is Pinchin’s Operations Manager and Remediation Practice Specialist for the Environmental Due Diligence and Remediation (EDR) Group. He has spent more than 17 years on the design and…

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Meet our Regional Client Manager & Regional Practice Leader for the Building Science & Sustainability Group, Tony Martinelli

Tony Martinelli is Pinchin’s Regional Client Manager and Regional Practice Leader for our Building Science and Sustainability (BSS) Group in British Columbia. He has come very far in a short…

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Workplace Acoustic Quality

Pinchin’s Acoustics Engineering, Weidong Li, P.Eng., PhD describes the acoustics quality of an indoor spaces that act as key perimeters to the occupant comfort. Weidong explains the difference between regulations…

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Pinchin Has Been Recognized As One of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies In The 2019 Growth 500 Rankings

Pinchin is proud to once again be recognized on the Growth 500 ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Canadian Business and Maclean’s magazine generates annual rankings based on the five-year revenue…

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Get to know Nikole Walters, Pinchin’s Senior Project Manager for the HAZ & IEQ Groups in Northeastern Ontario

Nikole Walters is Pinchin’s Senior Project Manager for the Hazardous Building Materials (HAZ) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Groups in Northeastern Ontario. She is fluent in hazardous materials consulting issues…

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Required Air & Noise Approvals and Ontario Reg. 419

Pinchin’s Operations Manager for the Emissions Reduction & Compliance (ERC) Group, Roslyn Miller briefly explains the significant changes that the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) has made to…

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Protected: The Pinchin Apple Story

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